PF Flyers 9U supports teammate with Tourette’s Syndrome

The 9U PF Flyers took to the field on June 7 looking for their second straight pool play win at the Grand Park Frenzy in Westfield, Indiana. While the Flyers were competing in their first out-of-town tournament, the boys had a lot more to play for than just baseball. 

June 7 was National Tourette’s Awareness Day, and the team showed its support by wearing special shirts dedicated to the occasion, but more importantly, to support their teammate, Cohen Darnell. 

The hard throwing and hard hitting lefty for the Flyers battles Tourette’s Syndrome. 

Tourette’s Syndrome is a neurological condition that causes unwanted, involuntary muscle movements and sounds, known as tics. Cohen’s tics involve involuntary muscle movements. While sometimes a distraction for Cohen, it hasn’t stopped him from having a great season with the Flyers, currently 19-6. 

Cohen plays all over the field, excelling in the outfield, infield and on the mound.

The Flyers had a lot of spare time before their game on awareness day, so the team spent the day golfing, swimming, fishing and eating in Indianapolis, all while wearing their shirts in support of Cohen. 

Throughout the day the parents and players met several people in town and at the ballpark that had a close connection with the disorder and some shared their experiences living with the disorder or how they had a child or close family member or friend that has Tourette’s Syndrome. 

When it was time to finally play baseball, it was Cohen who shined the brightest. 

In a tight game against one of the Midwest’s premier programs, the Indiana Bulls, Cohen came in for relief when the Flyer’s starting pitcher was forced to exit the game after taking a line drive off of the foot.  Cohen pitched 2 2/3 innings with 7 strikeouts to secure the 14-13 victory, in a pivotal win that would send the Flyers to the championship bracket.

After the game the umpire delivered the game ball to Cohen for his heroics as the team celebrated the victory. 

While the team has learned a lot about the difficulties Cohen battles on a day-to-day basis, most people are not aware of the intricacies and challenges those with Tourette’s Syndrome face. 

The Flyers organization wants to help Cohen succeed and spread awareness in hopes funding will help researchers find more effective treatments for those living with Tourette’s Syndrome. 

To learn more about Tourette’s Syndrome you can visit the Tourette Association of America.  You can also help by purchasing a custom t-shirt at #CUREITFORCOHEN.  All proceeds go to the Tourette Association of America.

The 9U Flyers finished in third place out of the 14-team in the event.


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