2032 PF Flyers (11U)

This team began practicing together in the Fall of 2022 as they prepared for their 9U season. In the Spring of 2023, they competed in the Southwest Ohio League (SWOL) Bronze Division and finished the year with 9 wins and 5 loses. In the Fall of 2023, the team began preparing for their 10U season and competed again at the Bronze Level. They also played some Gold level teams and participated in a Single A Tournament in Grand Park, IN. They played well against the Bronze Level teams and won the Single A Tournament in Grand Park. They finished the Fall with 14 wins and only 5 loses and will be moving up to the SWOL Silver Division for the Spring/Summer 2024 season.

  • Jack Wilson


  • Bronx Debert


  • Isaac Mahle


  • Peyton Johnson


  • Chase Collins


  • Max Roberts


  • Caleb Shaffer


  • Colton Rash


  • Tim Finley


  • Steely Edwards


  • Carter Cassady


  • Silas Lincoln


  • Ryan Edwards
