
Formed in 2022, the PF Flyers Baseball Club is an all-volunteer 501c3 nonprofit organization. We began with a group of experienced baseball coaches who wanted to provide teams, coaches, players and parents with the best possible baseball experience.

The PF Flyers Baseball Club’s mission is to redefine what it means to be an elite youth baseball organization. We help players reach the highest level of the game their desire and work ethic will allow by committing to parents and players and providing them with the tools to succeed.

The PF Flyers Difference

For many, elite teams are made up of high level players – and it doesn’t matter how a team ends up with those players. We’ve all seen the teams that cut half the roster each year in order to improve. Or teams that bring in top players from outside of the area. Instead, we believe in committing to parents and players. Our goal is to make the players on our rosters – if they are willing to work hard enough – into elite players.

But the Flyers difference is more than that.

Our coaches and board of directors provide structure and guidance to team coaches, parents and players. The Flyers’ goal is to provide support for all coaches to develop their players. At the same time, we want to give coaches the freedom to run their own teams. In short, instead of little support and micromanagement, we aim to provide support and autonomy.

Guiding Principles

  • CHARACTER matters. The character of our coaches, players and even parents is important to us. 

  • DEVELOPMENT is our focus, even over winning. Our goal is to help grow successful people and outstanding players. Helping players reach their potential requires a holistic approach that involves baseball skill, strength, mobility, intent, mindset, resilience and more. 

  • TRANSPARENCY and communication is vital. When you trust your player with a program or coach, you deserve to know what’s really going on.

  • WORK ETHIC matters. In this game, there will always be things outside of our control. But players can control how hard they work and how they hustle on the field. We expect our players to work hard in practice and on their own. We expect them to compete every pitch/play.