Parent Expectations

Here is what we expect from Flyers parents:

  1. Let the coaches coach: When your player is on a Flyers team, let the coaches do their jobs and coach. During games and practices, let the coaches teach, correct, console, support and even discipline, if necessary. Do not yell instruction from the stands to your player during a game. Show up. Cheer on the team and your player after they do something good. 

  2. Give your player space: Do not approach your player or the dugout during a game to converse, give drinks/snacks, or otherwise distract them.

  1. Help away from the team: A big difference for players is the amount of quality repetitions they get outside of practice. Parents can help by playing catch, throwing batting practice, hitting ground balls or finding an instructor who will do this. The more of this your kids can get, the better. If you need suggestions on instructors, let your coach or a Flyers staff member know. We are here to help.

  2. Respect: We expect the players on our team to respect the coaches, their teammates, the opposition, and, yes, even the umpires. We expect the same from parents and others who come to the game with your family. Every team will deal with terrible calls by umpires and obnoxious parents and fans from other teams. That’s for the head coach to deal with. Parents are representing our program. You will do so with class and respect.

  3. Communication: One of our guiding principles as an organization is transparency. We expect parents to communicate effectively and clearly to the coaches. This allows coaches to make adjustments that are in the best interest of the team.

  4. Make an appointment: If you have a concern, reach out to your coach or a staff member and we will set up a time to discuss it away from the team. It’s not healthy for the team to have a dispute fester. It also isn’t healthy to have a confrontation or discussion in front of your player or the team. Please realize that after a game (or worse, during a game) coaches have many tasks at hand. Our goal as an organization is to give your question or concern the attention it deserves.